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Resources for the Classroom

Tools for supporting LGBT+ students and increasing student awareness

One way teachers can support and empower LGBT+ students is through incorporating information about trans* rights and sexual discrimination into their lessons. Below you will find a range of resources for teaching and learning about trans* rights.
Share presentations that discuss issues trans* students face in the US and around the world. You can find youtube videos to incorporate into these presentations
Have students watch "A Day in the Life..."
Watch video diaries from famous trans* individuals such as Laverne Cox, Jazz Jennings, or Alex Bertie. When you are done, prompt discussions about how those individuals are trans* and incredibly successful human beings.
Watch Beautiful Boxer (Appropriate for High School)
This is an amazing film about a male to female transsexual boxer named Parinya Charoenphol. The movie is based on a true story.
Activities to Challenge Bias and Encourage Reflection
Gender Stereotypes Activity: This activity was created by Ball State University Students. You can check out this activity here.
Anti-LGBT Bias Activity: MTV's Look Different site has interactive activities to help students learn more about LGBT+ issues and how they can take action
Use the genderbread to gain a better understanding of the difference between gender and sexuality.
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