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Want to start the I AM HUMAN Project at your school? Read more about starting your own campaign. Then click below to download I AM HUMAN stickers!





















What is the I AM HUMAN Project?

The I AM HUMAN Project was created to raise awareness about the growing "out" young trans* population. The young trans community is at greater risk for bullying and suicide than any other LGBT+ identity. Trans* young people have to grapple with their own sense of self and how society sees them. The goal of this project is to show solidarity with young trans* students.
The Facts


DASA includes Trans* Students

The Dignity for all Students Act (DASA) protects students who are LGBT+ from harrassment.


Over 50% of Trans* Teens will attempt suicide


Over half of the trans*  community have attempted suicide at least once before their 21st birthday.



59% of Trans* students are denied access to bathrooms
According to GLSEN  (Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network), transgender students are routinely denied access to bathrooms that correspond with their gender identity.



NYSED has new guidelines for high schools

The New York State Education Department created guidelines for schools in New York regarding transgender students. Click here to read more.



~50% of Trans* people have been sexually assaulted


According to Rape Response services, about half of the Transgender population have been sexually assaulted including people under the age of 18.

Title IX Includes Trans* Students

Federal Courts ruled that Title IX protects transgender students from sex discrimination. Click here to read more.

The I AM HUMAN Project had its first interview! Click here to read Meet At Human's Interview about the project. Special thanks to Thea MacFawn and James Shultis for commenting.

© 2016 created by Jack Einstein.

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